Ongoing Work
Common project on inviting others to become associates of religious orders
June 23
Common project on inviting others to become associates of religious orders
June 23
- Read Survey-Feedback In Parishes article twice - one time focusing on A, the other time focusing on B.
- Read Fill All Things pp 107-121
- Read, "Engaging four examples of Survey-Feedback" and develop a question for each example (June 16 email)
- Complete listening process from June 9, paying attention to elements of Survey-Feedback
- Be Prepared for the Exam (June 16 email)
- The steps of the process
- The use of theory and frameworks in relation to developing a survey and/or doing the analysis of the data
- The common benefits of survey feedback
- For more details see emails from Robert on June 14 and June 16
July 14
- Demand System exercise
- See email from Michelle on June 9