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Showing posts from May, 2009

In Persona Chriti

I'm always delighted to come across another theological concept that I haven't considered. Lately it's the doctrine of "In Persona Christi" or "In the Person of Christ." In it's most basic sense, when a Catholic Priest celebrates the sacraments, he is not celebrating as himself, but in the person of Christ - that is, Christ is speaking through the priest during the Sacraments. In his sermon for the Holy Chrism Mass in 2007, Pope Benedict XVI expanded this concept and used it to describe the ministry of all the Baptized. For it is through our baptism that we exchange our old selves and put on Christ. This time the Holy Father uses the metaphor of clothing to describe the change that's affected when we become a member of God's family - the sacred exchange. God gave up all of God's glory to become human, so that we, in our humanity may obtain that glory through grace. How much more of an insult is it when we fail to put on that glory - God e...