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Showing posts from June, 2018

A Modern Screwtape Letter

The following communication was intercepted recently. My Dear Wormwood, At last you have learned the value of patience and a well-thought out strategy regarding your charges. I'm happy to have been proven wrong in your desire to undertake a project of such immensity following your colossal failure in Great Britain all those years ago. Yet the board of Senior Tempters viewed your proposal in a positive light, and assigned you such resources as to undertake this noble work. The key part of your strategy which should be recorded for posterity is the notion of justifying hatred whenever the occasion arises. If you move too quickly you will tip your hand to your charges and they will reject you outright. But beginning in small places, they will gradually acclimate themselves to greater degrees of hatred and the change to their souls will be so imperceptible that they will take no notice at all. Treat them as you would the proverbial frog in a boiling pot of water.  The theory...