The Daily Office is also known as the Daily Prayers of the Church. In traditional Anglicanism, the Office consisted of Morning and Evening Prayer said daily, with Eucharist on Sundays. At St. Francis you won’t find us substituting one for the other, because each plays an important role in a Christian’s life. Instead of an either/or, it becomes a both/and. While the Office is said in my Church at 10:00am Mondays through Fridays, many people choose to say it on their own. This is an excellent option for those whom 10:00 is inconvenient, and for those who wish to do the other services – Noonday Prayers, Evening Prayer, and Compline. Some say the Office right out of their Prayer Book and Bible, others use an app on their smart phones. Two of the best ones are from the Mission of St. Clare and Forward Day by Day. Some others like to download podcasts of the Office from iTunes. One of the most popular is Audio Daily Office @ The Tr...