Today I've been reading the often predictable and obnoxious posts about gun violence / gun control in light of the recent tragedy in San Bernardito, CA. The usual battle lines are drawn, positions become entrenched, thus ensuring that no constructive dialogue will take place and nothing will change. I fear that in our future we will experience many more episodes like this because we've become a culture that's addicted to violence much like a heroine user becomes addicted what's inside the needle. Everyone seems to think that their position is the right one, while ironically every single one of these talking points are absolute garbage and serve to exacerbate the problem. Let's elaborate: We could prevent this kind of violence if we had stricter gun control laws. The issue here is that it fails to address the very source of the violence - the human heart. As long as people have made up their minds to kill others as retribution for their misdeeds they ar...