There are always two options for readings on Christmas - The Nativity Story from Luke , and the more esoteric poetry from John . Each tells the story from a different perspective, and both work together to help us understand the significance of Christ's birth. The main message that both Jesus, and John the Baptist preached was that the Kingdom of God had come near. The Hebrew word translated as Kingdom is Malchut, which is also the name of the tenth sefirot in Kabbalah. The significance of Malchut is that it is the receptical of all the other aspects. Will, Wisdom, Understanding, Justice, Mercy, Compassion, Endurance, Splendor, and Foundation are all poured into Malchut. On it's very surface, Malchut is about sovereignty, kingship, or on a very basic level - dignity. The Gospel story is good news because it raises up ordinary people to the level of dignity that a king would have. In the story from Luke angels appeared to shepherds...