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A Mystical Christmas - Dignity for the Masses

There are always two options for readings on Christmas - The Nativity Story from Luke, and the more esoteric poetry from John.  Each tells the story from a different perspective, and both work together to help us understand the significance of Christ's birth.

The main message that both Jesus, and John the Baptist preached was that the Kingdom of God had come near.  The Hebrew word translated as Kingdom is Malchut, which is also the name of the tenth sefirot in Kabbalah.  The significance of Malchut is that it is the receptical of all the other aspects.  Will, Wisdom, Understanding, Justice, Mercy, Compassion, Endurance, Splendor, and Foundation are all poured into Malchut.  On it's very surface, Malchut is about sovereignty, kingship, or on a very basic level - dignity.  The Gospel story is good news because it raises up ordinary people to the level of dignity that a king would have.

In the story from Luke angels appeared to shepherds who were tending to their sheep out in the fields.  Take a moment and think about how bizarre this must have seemed.  Why wouldn't the angels appear in the temple - to the priests who dedicated their lives to God's service?  Why not appear to an esteemed rabbi?  Certainly there were many in Israel during that time.  The strangest part of this story is that a major revelation came to virtual nobodies.  We don't even know the shepherds names, and yet these were the ones that God sent this special message to - why?

The Gospel story from John gives us the answer.  John 1:12-13 states "But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God (NRSV)."  In this passage scripture teaches that belief in Jesus Christ makes you a child of God.  What could generate a greater sense of dignity?  It's as if a prince left his palace dressed as a commoner.  The prince was an only child and so he went amongst the people to find brothers and sisters for himself.  As he grew to know people, he revealed who he truly was and described his mission.  He then invited them to live in the palace with him and share the same rights that he had as royalty.  Some thought he was lying, some thought he was insane, and some believed him.  The ones that believed him received what he promised, and followed him back to the palace.  From that point on they were accepted as the king's children, and lived lives fitting for royalty.

Today people spend millions of dollars on therapists, self-help books, motivational seminars, and the like.  When it comes down to it, they're searching for Malchut, for a sense of dignity.  It's often frustrating and liberating at the same time when they learn that the solution is a lot closer than they think.  The power of your mental map, what you believe about yourself deep down makes all the difference in your sense of dignity

Christianity has always been a religion that turns paupers into princes.  It doesn't do this through wealth, status, or other fragile, earthly things, but by instilling people with an incredible sense of dignity.  This dignity is given by God through Jesus Christ, and cannot be taken away.  Merry Christmas.


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